Šī moduļa dokumentāciju var izveidot Modulis:fr-headword/doc lapā

local export = {}
local pos_functions = {}

local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("fr")

-- The main entry point.
-- This is the only function that can be invoked from a template.
function export.show(frame)
	local args = frame:getParent().args
	PAGENAME = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
	local head = args["head"]; if head == "" then head = nil end
	-- The part of speech. This is also the name of the category that
	-- entries go in. However, the two are separate (the "cat" parameter)
	-- because you sometimes want something to behave as an adjective without
	-- putting it in the adjectives category.
	local poscat = frame.args[1] or error("Part of speech has not been specified. Please pass parameter 1 to the module invocation.")
	local genders = {}
	local inflections = {}
	local categories = {"Franču valodas " .. poscat}
	if pos_functions[poscat] then
		pos_functions[poscat](args, genders, inflections, categories)
	return require("Module:headword").full_headword(lang, nil, head, nil, genders, inflections, categories, nil)

pos_functions["lietvārdi"] = function(args, genders, inflections, categories)
	-- Gather genders
	local gender = args[1]; if gender == "" then gender = nil end
	local gender2 = args["g2"]; if gender2 == "" then gender2 = nil end
	if gender == "mf" then
		table.insert(genders, "m")
		table.insert(genders, "f")
		table.insert(genders, gender)
		table.insert(genders, gender2)
	-- Gather all the plural parameters from the numbered parameters.
	local plurals = {}
	local p = args[2]; if p == "" then p = nil end
	local i = 3
	while p do
		table.insert(plurals, p)
		p = args[i]; if p == "" then p = nil end
		i = i + 1

	-- Gather all the feminine parameters
	local feminines = {}
	local p = args["f"]; if p == "" then p = nil end
	local i = 2
	while p do
		table.insert(feminines, p)
		p = args["f" .. i]; if p == "" then p = nil end
		i = i + 1
	-- Gather all the masculine parameters
	local masculines = {}
	local p = args["m"]; if p == "" then p = nil end
	local i = 2
	while p do
		table.insert(masculines, p)
		p = args["m" .. i]; if p == "" then p = nil end
		i = i + 1
	-- Add categories for genders
	if #genders == 0 then
		table.insert(genders, "?")
	local mode = nil
	for _, g in ipairs(genders) do
		if g == "m-p" or g == "f-p" then
			mode = "p"
		if g == "m" then
			table.insert(categories, "Franču valodas vīriešu dzimtes lietvārdi")
		elseif g == "f" then
			table.insert(categories, "Franču valodas sieviešu dzimtes lietvārdi")
	-- Decide how to show the plurals
	mode = mode or plurals[1]
	-- Plural is unknown
	if mode == "?" then
		table.insert(inflections, "<small><sup>???</sup> lūdzu sniedz daudskaitli!</small>")
		table.insert(categories, "French nouns needing inflection")
	-- Plural is not attested
	elseif mode == "!" then
		table.insert(inflections, {label = "daudzskaitlis nav pārbaudīts"})
		table.insert(categories, "Franču valodas lietvārdi ar nepārbaudītu daudzskaitli")
	-- Plural-only noun, doesn't have a plural
	elseif mode == "p" then
		table.insert(inflections, {label = "plural only"})
		table.insert(categories, "French pluralia tantum")
		-- Uncountable noun; may occasionally have a plural
		if mode == "-" then
			table.remove(plurals, 1)  -- Remove the mode parameter
			table.insert(categories, "Franču valodas neskaitāmie lietvārdi")
			-- If plural forms were given explicitly, then show "countable" as well
			if #plurals > 0 then
				table.insert(inflections, {label = "skaitāms vai neskaitāms"})
				table.insert(categories, "Franču valodas skaitāmie lietvārdi")
				table.insert(inflections, {label = "neskaitāms"})
		-- The default, always has a plural
			table.insert(categories, "Franču valodas skaitāmie lietvārdi")
			-- If no plural was given, add a default one now
			if #plurals == 0 then
				plurals = {"s"}
		if #plurals > 0 then
			-- Process the plural forms
			for i, pl in ipairs(plurals) do
				if pl == "s" then
					plurals[i] = PAGENAME .. "s"
				elseif pl == "x" then
					plurals[i] = PAGENAME .. "x"
			-- Add the plural forms
			plurals.label = "plural"
			plurals.accel = "plural-form-of"
			table.insert(inflections, plurals)
	-- Add the feminine forms
	if #feminines > 0 then
		feminines.label = "feminine"
		table.insert(inflections, feminines)
	-- Add the masculine forms
	if #masculines > 0 then
		masculines.label = "masculine"
		table.insert(inflections, masculines)

return export